so it's been really interesting the past couple weeks...of school. not. no, just kidding it has. i'm loving my classes and superfabulous professors like my physiology professor. he's wonderfully great. just lovely. and otherwise, meeting up with ol' folks and meeting new people to smile at (or with)....and even if I don't meet them, just smiling all the same. otherwise, i'm also feeling very enlightened in how my debate class has caused me to actually learn some squat about American government and policy. i know who Joe Biden, Jr. is. He's someone important and i actually remember his name. On the other hand, I've learnt new mechanisms to remembering people's names, because ho ho...I'm quite the loser at doing so. So, the procedure is:
1. ask person's name.
2. notice distinguishing term that relates to the person.
3. loudly state the word formed in "2." followed by the person's name.
4. repeat step 3
this way, i have a word attached to someone's name, and hey gosh golly, it works. now the only thing is remembering where i met them. i keep thinking janna is in my psych class, and marie is in my bible study.... uh no....or perhaps johnnie i saw at the rec. i really don't know. it seems almost hopeless.
otherwise, i've concluded nebraska is confiningly small. yes, it has been confirmed. sure it was a bit concerning when i met like 10 people i knew at some OTHER person's get together this summer that i never knew any of those people knew- oh no privacy! but then when you find out you like the same person as another friend and you've both met the same person on different occasions, that's spooky. i need to get out of here and just fly! or maybe just...uh, i don't know. yeah....anyway, God is good. lol. And I'm thankful that He's consistent in providing, and yes, taking all my er....crap and ramblings,etc. He's faithful!!!