aargghhhh...school - and evolution
well, now my life is back to school. so, here we go. my biopsychology professor is an evolutionist,
and thinks that, well... creationists have 'lost touch with reality'. yeah, i think it's alright for people to have their own views, but I didn't appreciate the bashing on others. I decided to write on my notecard that we turn in that, although some may believe there is no conclusive proof on there actually being a God- no, there is also no conclusive evidence on evlolution for real. Some people just don't want to see that either. Darwin, the great, himself said in his book 'the Origin of Species', that his theory was only that---a theory. He too could not conclude. So why are we so quick to rule out the chance that there is a God. I'm still searching on this.... Oh yeah, I don't think my prof. took my er.... refuting comment too well hehehe; if I get a D in the class well, nuff said.

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