Sunday, July 31, 2005


i hate drama. the smell of drama; the word... it all just wreaks of immaturity, and stagnated growth like why adults can't settle things like adults, put things in the past and leave it at that. this summer, in addition to all the other reflections i've been able to ponder on, it breaks my heart when i see people that i have previously been close to and cannot even hold a decent conversation with any longer. well, i suppose that's supposed to be... life? I don't think so. I don't believe things should be that way. I think it's ideal to push stress and strain behind a relationship and move on to newer bigger better things. It's good to be learning a lot about myself though, reflect on past relationships as always, and learn how to construct or build on new ones. Things I need to change in me too. I suppose everything happens for a reason, even if at times, the reason may not be the most apparent.

---Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and all that is within me. Sometimes you just need some of that PEACE that passes all (human) understanding. Turn to the Lord, Christine.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

the potential of a friend

is it really possible.... in this day and age... in this our disintegrating 21st century.... is it really possible to have a friend from the opposite sex, and just remain that - friends. I believe the value of the word has been stripped, in these wild reigns of our generation, where all is about the 'here and now', about the 'just go(ing) with the flow', about the 'what feels right' and the 'listen to your heart'.... mmhhhh... I, for one, am a little dismayed at the less than enthusiastic show of friend-wanters I've seen as yet. There's too few out there. Really, really, really, it's okay to just be friends.

Friday, July 08, 2005

some things are just like riding a bike...

you never forget them, right? it just comes naturally. and no, i'm not talking about any kind of promiscuous behaviors (shame on you); I'm talking about READING. So for the first time in like er..... 3 years, I finished a book yesterday, in the span of 1 day. I'm so excited. The book - The Ice Queen- by Alice Hoffman, actually turned out to be quite morbid. A woman gets struck by lightening, gets paralyzed, and that's just the beginning of her problems... quite a bitter novel actually. Sorta put me in a funk yesterday. I had almost forgotten what it felt like to be captivated by a book, and have your emotions so moulded and shifted by a collection of words. Anyway, I'm just glad I can say I haven't completely lost touch. Alas, I can still read!

Friday, July 01, 2005

it would just be one of dem dayz

it's just one of them days I tell ya. One of them days. I haven't been back to Lincoln this whole summer, even though my internship is only a mere 30-50 minutes drive away, because I needed a break. I needed a change. I needed to be free. I've been telling the people who've been wondering where I'm hiding, that sometimes everybody needs a bit of change. Sometimes you just need to GET AWAY. So Omaha, NE has been my getaway this summer. It's nice to be able to step out of the norm; it gives you time to reflect and reevaluate your stance on relationships, status quo of various areas in your life, how one handles things on a daily basis... such 'deep, deep' things! So enjoy the 4th of July weekend any and all.