Monday, September 25, 2006

Sachi made me do it

Sachi my inspired me to blog again :). so what's BEEN new with me for forever and ever? ever ever... well since June anyway, I graduated-moved from Lincoln-got my own apartment in omaha-moved to omaha-got oriented in medical school-and started classes-and for the first time in my life....DON'T HAVE A JOB! :). he he. it's pure bliss. but with 21 credit hours (or so they say it feels like)....bliss is relative. truly

Sunday, June 25, 2006

oh the other side of the world

London was amazing. and i'm dealing with resentful feelings to this place all over again. oh nebraska. there's got to be a reason why i'm here.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

maturity: to be or not to.... become?

oh gosh. no London this summer. I felt like dying, literally when i came to this realization. crying was a given. dying was almost on my agenda. but for me to accept the fact of not going and still be going on in a mildly happy state, means that maybe i'm maturing? i've started to be able to start letting go of things that i REALLY want sooooo badly (like going to London and France and see 10 million old high school friends all in one super-duper 10 day trip *tear). i don't know. maybe not. i never thought i'd get to this point. i don't think i want to live in this point for my life. if that makes sense....
otherwise, i'm trying to get a 2nd job. gosh, i've never applied for so many jobs in like...EVER. it seems like i've applied everywhere, including job agencies. i pride myself on by saying that perhaps i'm just too qualified. ha! yeah, right. anyway, getting to the end of this "semester" of class if you can call it that, considering it was only a measly 3 weeks long :D. But my professor calls it that, and er...anyway! either way. i'm ecstatic about it. quite frankly.

Friday, May 05, 2006

oh my freaking gosh

the semester is over. i'm in one of those flippant, sort of hazy moments where i can't really believe it, and i'm shocked, too shocked.... like what do i do with myself. no anatomy to study, no nothing to study, no.... oh my gosh, i think i might cry. i'm just soooo elated! this is great. summer, my love... wellcome

Saturday, April 29, 2006


i feel sick. probably coz i'm working the overnight. and i think i'm having withdrawal from my energy drinks "Sobe" (this is an endorsement, their products rock). but yes, i think i'm having withdrawal symptoms, nausea....ugh...otherwise, maybe a bit mindly sick, emotionally perhaps? i don't know i'm confused right now due to lack of sleep. confused blog entry number 930.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

another end

of year....end of semester...end of college....end of time spent with friends for another 4 years past. another end. *sigh. what do you REALLY do with life, when it comes to its ends. i guess you just keep battling with it, and keep moving forward, looking to the new BEGINNINGS that God has in store for you, and be encouraged for a new day comes. The Bible says do not worry about tomorrow for today has enough worries in itself. Talking about worries, exams start next week, and I'm trying to get to London. My passport is fighting against this desire greatly getting stuck in processing longer than it should have, but I'll tell you what no little blue piece of document's going to get in my way, so ha! well, maybe a little bit. *sigh. okay, exams...that's it for now.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

to new territory

off to mexico tomorrow. sleepy, tired, sleepy, tired. yawn. mmhhh :)...just have to get past this soc. exam tomorrow. oh bother. well, praise God for exams too! they test your knowledge...if you have any all